W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (491 to 500)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (491 to 500)

 దేహం నిండా సందేహాలేఎందుకుఏమిటిఎప్పుడుఎక్కడఏదిదేనినిఎవరుఎవరినిఎప్పుడైతేఎవరైతేఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలితెలియకుండా చావకూడదుబోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

491. Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.

Image result for Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.   Image result for Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.  Image result for Neutron stars Related image
 492. All of space is completely silent
Image result for All of space is completely silent     Image result for All of space is completely silent     Image result for All of space is completely silent

Image result for space silence    Image result for space silence

493. There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe.
Image result for There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe.  Image result for uncountable stars    Image result for uncountable stars
494. The Apollo astronauts’ footprints on the moon will probably stay there for at least 100 million years.
Image result for Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moonImage result for Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon
Image result for Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon

495. 99% of our solar system’s mass is the sun

Image result for 99% of our solar system's mass is the sun
 496. More energy from the sun hits Earth every hour than the planet uses in a year.
Image result for energy from sun   Image result for energy from sun
497. If two pieces of the same type of metal touch in space, they will bond and be permanently stuck together.
Image result for welding in space    Image result for welding in space
Image result for welding in space  Image result for welding in space
498. The biggest known star currently is UY Scuti, a bright red supergiant, located 9500 light years away in the Scutum constellation. It is more than 1,708 times the size of the Sun.
Related image   Image result for uy scuti  Image result for uy scuti
499. A popular comparison that can illustrate these numbers is this: There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches and deserts on Earth.
Image result for uy scuti   Image result for uy scuti
500. Milky Way has two major spiral arms that start at the central bar of stars, and slowly taper off. Our Solar system is located in one minor spiral arm called the Orion arm.
Related image
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W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (481 to 490)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (481 to 490) దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

481. Tsu­namis, often wrongly called tidal waves. They are not caused by tides or even by the wind, but by underwater earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions. These disturbances cause the sea bed to move very quickly, which shifts a large amount of water and disrupts the sea surface. Tsunamis travel extremely fast – up to 750km/h. They have a long wavelength, their crests often being 150km apart, so that a crest passes only every 15 minutes or so. The shores of the Pacific more than those of any other ocean have been damaged by tsunamis because volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur frequently in that area.

Image result for Tsu­namis Image result for Tsu­namis Image result for Tsu­namis Image result for Tsu­namis


482. Tides result from the regular rise and fall of the water level in the oceans. This phenomenon is caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun on the Earth and by the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the Moon-Earth sys­tem as a whole. These two forces act in opposite directions. The solar tide has a period of 12.41 hours because of the monthly rotation of the Moon around the Earth

 Image result for Tides  Image result for Tides


483. A few hundred meters below the ocean’s surface it is dark because light cannot penetrate to those depths. Blue light penetrates water farther than red or violet light, and because more blue light is returned to the surface without being absorbed, the open ocean usually looks blue in color. Seawater may look blue-green when it contains a large amount of phytoplankton – tiny plant-like organisms that contain chlorophyll. The yellow-brown sea found in coastal regions probably gets its coloring from mud, sand or pollution.

Image result for deep dark ocean Image result for deep dark ocean Image result for deep dark ocean


484. Acadia National Park is over forty seven thousand acres of beautiful eastern scenery and landscape and one of the most visiting National Parks in the United States of America. Acadia National Park was the first National park to be develop east of the Mississippi river in the United States. It was created in 1916 and first called the Sieur de Monts National Monument and then the Lafayette National Park, before it took on it’s name of the Acadia National Park in 1929 which means it’s a land of plenty in the Greek terminology. If you’re visiting the Acadia National Park in the United States, check out the amazing ponds in Acadia including the Jordan pond and enjoy the greens and blues of the quiet rivers and lakes.

Image result for acadia national park Image result for acadia national park
Image result for acadia national park Image result for acadia national park

485. Nocturnal animals have highly developed senses. Their sense of hearing, sight and smell are specially adapted, to make the most of night-illumination. Some nocturnal animals have vision that is easily adapted to night and day illumination The bodies of nocturnal animals have special adaptations to enable them to survive the dark. Nocturnal animals like lemurs have special eyes, while bats use echolocation. Echolocation refers to the bat’s ability to emit a high-pitched sound. The sound bounces off objects within range and gives the animal information about the shape, distance and direction of the object. Nocturnal animals like rabbits have an extra powerful sense of hearing. 

Related image


486.  The traditional art of the Aborigines/  Bradshaw painting is one of oldest and most popular of rock paintings. was focused on portraying and narrating the stories of the “Dreamtime”, a creation myth of the Aborigines. Some Aboriginal art works depict the world around them. Kangaroos, crocodiles and kookaburras are included in these paintings. Certain paintings depict the skeleton and organs of people and animals. The colors used in ancient Aboriginal art were natural shades of earth colors such as red, brown and yellow. The other colors used were white made from pipe clay and charcoal made by burning wood.

Related image Image result for Aborigines/ Bradshaw painting

487. Believe it or not, pigs are smarter than dogs! And dirty little piggy is not only the smartest animals on the planet, but also one of the cleanest animals around. 

Image result for beautiful pigs   Image result for beautiful pigs

488.Believe it or not , Crows can count, differentiate between complex shapes and also carry out observational learning tasks. The New Caledonian Crow has been found to create knives to cut leaves and stalks of grass.

Related image Image result for beautiful crows  Image result for beautiful crows

489.  A rat’s psychology is similar to humans and therefore they are mostly used for lab experiments. Rats possess a mental ability called the met cognition that is seen only in humans and some primates. They can use their keen sense of smell and hearing to detect landmines and bombs. They can even identify human sputum samples containing tuberculosis bacteria.

Related image  Related image Image result for beautiful rats

490. The African Grey Parrot is a native of the West and Central African rainforest. Parrots can mimic human speech, but African Grey parrot can do a step further. They can associate words and their meanings to form sentences

Image result for African Grey Parrot Image result for African Grey Parrot  Image result for African Grey Parrot

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W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (471 to 480)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (471 to 480)ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

471.  The Kwanzan Cherry tree,Chinese Cherry tree, and Yoshino Flowering Cherry tree, are sterile and
do not produce fruit, but are cultivated to be decorative.

Image result for The Kwanzan Cherry tree,Chinese Cherry tree, and Yoshino Flowering Cherry tree  Image result for The Kwanzan Cherry tree,Chinese Cherry tree, and Yoshino Flowering Cherry tree  Image result for The Kwanzan Cherry tree,Chinese Cherry tree, and Yoshino Flowering Cherry tree

472. Insects can sustain in almost all the ecosystems due to their extreme adaptability, and present day there are more than 1,000,000 described species. It is expected to that there are 6 – 10 million extant species of insects on the Earth.

473. The body of the spider is segmented into two tagma; cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) and abdomen.  Abdomen is mainly the reproductive unit as in the other insects and arthropods. The cephalothorax bears four pairs of legs for locomotion and weaving webs. The spiders have four pairs of compound eyes and no antennae.

  Image result for spider is segmented into two tagma; cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) and abdomen.

474. The unique ability stems from the camels’ body being able to store fat in their humps and water in the lining of their stomachs. These stores can be used in times of need which is ideal in deserts where both food and water are extremely scarce. Their wide, padded feet grip well on loose sandy soil and stop the camel from sinking into the sand. An insulating wool coat keeps out both the heat of the day and the cold of the night. Hairy eyelashes, ears and slit nostrils keep out the desert dust and sand.


475. The ingenious Sea Otter uses rocks as tools to break open hard-shelled prey or to dislodge prey such as abalone. It is the only mammal other than the primates (monkeys, apes, humans) known to use tools. While eating, Sea Otters float on their backs, using their chest as a dinner table.

Image result for Sea Otter  Image result for Sea Otter

476. Seabirds’ is a general term used to collectively describe any species of bird which spends a substantial part of its life foraging and breeding in the marine environment. Birds considered to be seabirds include gulls, terns, albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters (muttonbirds), cormorants, gannets and boobies. Twenty-two of the world’s 24 albatross species occur in the Southern Hemisphere. Nineteen of these species occur in Australian waters,

Image result for gulls, terns, albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters (muttonbirds), cormorants, gannets and boobies. Image result for gulls, terns, albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters (muttonbirds), cormorants, gannets and boobies. Image result for gulls, terns, albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters (muttonbirds), cormorants, gannets and boobies.

Image result for gulls, terns, albatrosses, petrels, shearwaters (muttonbirds), cormorants, gannets and boobies.

477. Ocean acidification is the newest global environmental threat confronting the earth. It is the consequence of the same anthropogenic excess that is responsible for global warming-( Green House Effect) release of much more CO2 at much faster rates, minute after minute, than the earth’s capability to assimilate. Oceans are also absorbing large quantities of two more acid-forming gases being released at unprecedented rates into atmosphere-SOx and NOx. Thus far, on a global scale, their impact has been relatively minor; less than 3% of the impact of CO2, but is expected to grow in magnitude as the emissions continue to increase.

Image result for Ocean acidification is the newest global environmental threat Image result for Ocean acidification is the newest global environmental threat

478. Unlike most other fish, the Seahorses are ‘monogamous’ and mate for life. Male seahorses are equipped with a brood pouch on their ventral, or front-facing, side. When mating, the female deposits her eggs into his pouch, and the male fertilizes them internally. He carries the eggs in his pouch until they hatch, then releases fully formed, miniature seahorses into the water. Rarer still, they are among the only animal species on Earth in which the male bears the unborn young. upright-swimming relatives of the pipefish can range in size from 0.6 inches (1.5 centimeters) to 14 inches (35 centimeters) long. they graze continually and can consume 3,000 or more brine shrimp per day.

Image result for Seahorses are ‘monogamous’  Image result for Seahorses are ‘monogamous’ Image result for Seahorses are ‘monogamous’

479. The body of a sea cucumber is roughly cylindrical and in some cases long and five-sided, not unlike that of a cucumber. Protruding from the mouth at the anterior end is a circlet of feathery retroactive tentacles which are actually modified tube-feet. At the posterior end is the anus/ in the Pacific Ocean and Indian waters.

 Image result for sea cucumber Image result for sea cucumber 

480. Sea turtles are classified in the Class Reptilia, Subclass Anapsida and Order Chelonii. There are seven recognized species of sea turtles, six of which are in the Family Cheloniidae (the hawksbill, green, flatback, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley and olive ridley turtles), with only one (the leather back) in the family Dermochelyidae. Sea turtles start their lives in eggs buried in the sand. After a two-month incubation, the young turtles hatch and run to the sea, facing attack by a variety of predators (e.g., birds, crabs, fish) along the way. They drift at sea until they are about a foot long and then, depending on the species, may move closer to shore to feed.

  Image result for Sea turtles  Image result for Sea turtles Image result for Sea turtles

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W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (391 to 400)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (391 to 400)

ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

391.They have the fastest wingbeat: Hummingbirds/ The Horned Sungem Heliactin cornuta/ in tropical South America/ 90 beats per second.


392.They have been recorded in experiments, hovering for 50 minutes:  Hummingbirds/ Trochilidae


393.The bird  to migrate the furthest/ migration : The Arctic Tern/ Sternaparadisaea/ 22 530 km/ White Sea Coast of Russia to Fremantle, Western Australia/Alaska to Mexico and back again – 10 000 km.

Image result for The Arctic Tern/ Sternaparadisaea Image result for The Arctic Tern/ Sternaparadisaea Image result for The Arctic Tern/ Sternaparadisaea

394.continental drift:means the re arrangement of shapes and distances of continents of our earth:

 Image result for continental drift

Image result for continental drift Image result for continental drift

395.The highest recorded altitude/height for any bird: Ruppell’s Griffon Vulture/ Gyps Rueppellii/11 277 m

Image result for Ruppell's Griffon Vulture/ Gyps Rueppellii Image result for Ruppell's Griffon Vulture/ Gyps Rueppellii Image result for Ruppell's Griffon Vulture/ Gyps Rueppellii Image result for Ruppell's Griffon Vulture/ Gyps Rueppellii

396.The largest bird egg:  Ostrich Sturthio camelus/ 15 – 20 cm long/ 10 – 15 cm diameter/ 1 – 1.78 kg.

Image result for The largest bird egg: Ostrich Struthio camelus Image result for The largest bird egg: Ostrich Struthio camelus Image result for The largest bird egg: Ostrich Struthio camelus

397.The smallest bird egg: Vervain Hummingbird/ Mellisuga minima/ Jamacia islets/ less than 10 mm length/ 0.356 g.

Image result for The smallest bird egg: Vervain Hummingbird/ Mellisuga minima/ Jamaica islets/  Image result for The smallest bird egg: Vervain Hummingbird/ Mellisuga minima/ Jamaica islets/ 

398.The largest nest was built by a pair of birds: Bald Eagles/ Haliaeetus leucocephalus/ 2.9 m wide/ 6 m deep.

Image result for Bald Eagles/ Haliaeetus leucocephalus Image result for Bald Eagles/ Haliaeetus leucocephalusImage result for Bald Eagles/ Haliaeetus leucocephalus Image result for Bald Eagles/ Haliaeetus leucocephalus Image result for Bald Eagles/ Haliaeetus leucocephalus

399.It builds a mound for a nest: The Mallee Fowl/ Leipoaocellata / Australia/  4.57 m high /10.6 m long/with 250 cubic metres of vegetation and 300 tonnes of soil.

Image result for mound for a nest: The Mallee Fowl/ Leipoaocellata / Australia/ Image result for mound for a nest: The Mallee Fowl/ Leipoaocellata / Australia/ Image result for mound for a nest: The Mallee Fowl/ Leipoaocellata / Australia/ Image result for mound for a nest: The Mallee Fowl/ Leipoaocellata / Australia/ Image result for mound for a nest: The Mallee Fowl/ Leipoaocellata / Australia/ Image result for Australia Image result for Australia

400.They build 35 cm nests on  in 3 m -8 m burrows: The Rhinoceros Auklets/ Cerorhincamonocerata/ North Pacific

Image result for burrows: The Rhinoceros Auklets/ Cerorhincamonocerata/ North Pacific Image result for burrows: The Rhinoceros Auklets/ Cerorhincamonocerata/ North Pacific Image result for burrows: The Rhinoceros Auklets/ Cerorhincamonocerata/ North Pacific Image result for burrows: The Rhinoceros Auklets/ Cerorhincamonocerata/ North Pacific

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W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(351 to 360)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(351 to 360)

ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

351.Its ears help to regulate their temperature: Rabbits

 Image result for Rabbits

352.They are able to dive 1000 feet  and can stay under water for 30 minutes: Seals

Image result for Seals Image result for Seals

353.They have more blood for their body size than any other land animal: Seals

Image result for Seals  Image result for Seals


354.They come on land or ice to mate: Seals

Image result for Seals Image result for Mammals' ears Image result for seals

355.A seal’s milk is forty-five to fifty percent fat:Seals

Image result for seal's milk  Image result for seal's milk

356.The stripes on them all is unique to each individual, with the variation greatest in the shoulder region: zebras

Image result for shoulder region: zebras  Image result for shoulder region: zebras

357.It is believed that they have stripes in order to confuse predators: zebras

 Image result for zebras


358.They have 6,000 species crawling in their habitats; and more are discovered each year: reptiles

 Image result for reptiles Image result for reptiles Image result for reptiles

359.There are over 70,000 types of them spinning their webs in the world: spiders.

Image result for spiders. Image result for spiders. Image result for spiders. Image result for spiders.

360.They are the only creatures that have flaps around their ears: Mammals

Image result for Mammals' ears Image result for Mammals' ears Image result for Mammals' ears Image result for Mammals' ears

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W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(381 to 390)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(381 to 390)

ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

381.The bird with the longest bill to body size: Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensiferaensifera/ Andes/ Venezuela/ Bolivia/ 10.2 cm long

Image result for Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensiferaensifera Image result for Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensiferaensifera  Image result for Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensiferaensifera Image result for Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensiferaensifera

382.The longest legs: Ostriches Struthio camelus/ 1.3 m long.

Image result for Ostriches Struthio camelus Image result for Ostriches Struthio camelus Image result for Ostriches Struthio camelus

383.The shortest legs: swifts/ Their family name Apodidae means ‘lacking legs’.

Image result for The shortest legs: swifts/ Their family name Apodidae means 'lacking legs'. 

384.They have have the longest toes relative to body length: Jacanas (Jacanidae family) / 15 cm.

Image result for Jacanas (Jacanidae family) Image result for Jacanas (Jacanidae family) 

385.The longest feathers: The Phoenix Fowl/ 10.6 m.

Image result for The Phoenix Fowl/  

386.That has been bird as an ornamental bird in Japan since the mid 17th century: Red Jungle Fowl /Gallus gallus.

Image result for Red Jungle Fowl /Gallus gallus. Image result for Red Jungle Fowl /Gallus gallus. Image result for Red Jungle Fowl /Gallus gallus.

387.The longest feathers of a wild bird relative to body size: the male Ribbon-tailed Bird of Paradise Asptrapia mayeri/ in the mountain rainforest of New Guinea.

Image result for the male Ribbon-tailed Bird of Paradise Astrapia mayeri/ Image result for the male Ribbon-tailed Bird of Paradise Astrapia mayeri/  Image result for the male Ribbon-tailed Bird of Paradise Astrapia mayeri/

388.The most number of feathers ever counted on one bird:  the Tundra Swan Cygnuscolumbianus. /25,216/  80% on the bird’s head.

Image result for Tundra Swan Cygnuscolumbianus Image result for Tundra Swan Cygnuscolumbianus Image result for Tundra Swan Cygnuscolumbianus Image result for Tundra Swan Cygnuscolumbianus Image result for Tundra Swan Cygnuscolumbianus

389.The least number of feathers ever counted  940 on  one bird:   a Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochuscolubris

Image result for Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochuscolubris Image result for Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochuscolubris 

390.It is the fastest bird and fastest of any kind of animal: The Peregrine Falcon Falcoperegrinus/ 200 km when diving for prey in the air.

Image result for The Peregrine Falcon Falcoperegrinus Image result for The Peregrine Falcon Falcoperegrinus Image result for The Peregrine Falcon Falcoperegrinus

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W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(371 to 380)


W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(371 to 380)

ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

371.It Will it eats over 30,000 ants, per day: American Giant Anteater

Image result for American Giant Anteater  Image result for American Giant Anteater Image result for American Giant Anteater Image result for American Giant Anteater

372.It can swim at the speed of 109 km/h:The sailfish

Image result for the sailfish Image result for the sailfish Image result for the sailfish

373.It is the slowest fish: The Sea Horse/drifting at approximately 0.016 km/h.

Image result for the seahorse Image result for the seahorse Image result for the seahorse Image result for the seahorse

374.The length of an elephant is the same as the tongue of: a blue whale.

Image result for elephant is the same as the tongue of: a blue whale.   Image result for elephant is the same as the tongue of: a blue whale. Image result for elephant is the same as the tongue of: a blue whale.

375.Its tongue is unmovable, as it is attached to the roof of its mouth: The crocodile

Image result for crocodile's tongue Image result for crocodile's tongue Image result for crocodile's tongue

376.Schools are not really full time hear they all finish at 1pm:in Germany

Image result for Schools are not really full time hear they all finish at 1pm:in Germany Image result for Schools are not really full time hear they all finish at 1pm:in Germany Image result for Schools are not really full time hear they all finish at 1pm:in Germany Image result for Schools are not really full time hear they all finish at 1pm:in Germany

377.The largest bird in the world: the Ostrich Struthio camelus/ The North African /average height is around 2 m.

Image result for ostrich struthio camelus Image result for ostrich struthio camelus Image result for ostrich struthio camelus

378.The smallest bird in the world: Bee Hummingbird Mellisuga helenae/ Cuba/ 57 mm and weighs 1.6 g.

 Image result for The smallest bird in the world: Bee Hummingbird Mellisuga helenae Image result for The smallest bird in the world: Bee Hummingbird Mellisuga helenae


379.The bird with the largest wing span: Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans/ southern oceans/ 2.54 – 3.63 m.

 Image result for Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans Image result for Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans

380.It has the longest bill: Australian Pelican Pelecanusconspicillatus / 34 – 47 cm.

Image result for Australian Pelican Pelecanusconspicillatus Image result for Australian Pelican Pelecanusconspicillatus Image result for Australian Pelican Pelecanusconspicillatus Image result for Australian Pelican Pelecanusconspicillatus Image result for Australian Pelican Pelecanusconspicillatus


(Follow just for more knowledge and most surprising things by rasp Sadhana)


W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(361 to 370)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana(361 to 370)

ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

361.The life of a housefly is only 14 days.

Image result for life stages of a housefly Image result for life stages of a housefly Image result for life stages of a housefly


362.A dog was the first animal to up in space.

Image result for first animal in space laika Image result for first animal in space laika Image result for first animal in space laika

363.A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first animals to fly in a hot air balloon.


364.The oldest breed of a dog known to mankind is the Saluki.

Image result for The oldest breed of a dog known to mankind is the Saluki. Image result for The oldest breed of a dog known to mankind is the Saluki. Image result for The oldest breed of a dog known to mankind is the Saluki.

365.An ostrich is the fastest bird and can run up to 70 km/h.

Image result for ostrich is the fastest bird on land Image result for ostrich is the fastest bird on land

366.Never get a camel angry, for he or she will spit at you.

Image result for a camel angry, for he or she will spit at you. 

367.There are crabs that are the size of a pea. There are known as Pea Crabs.

Image result for pea crabs Image result for pea crabs Image result for pea crabs

368.The lifespan of 75 percent of wild birds is 6 months.

Image result for The lifespan of 75 percent of wild birds is 6 months. Image result for The lifespan of 75 percent of wild birds is 6 months. Image result for The lifespan of 75 percent of wild birds is 6 months. Image result for The lifespan of 75 percent of wild birds is 6 months.

369.Denmark has twice as many pigs as there are people.

Image result for Denmark has twice as many pigs as there are people.


370.You do not need cotton buds to clean a giraffe ears or nose; It can do so with its own 50cm-tongue.

Image result for to clean a giraffe ears. It can do so with its own 50cm-tongue. Image result for giraffe cleans its ears with its own tongue. 

(Follow just for more knowledge and most surprising things by rasp Sadhana)


W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (401 to 410)


W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (401 to 410)

ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

401.They make the deepest diving bird: Emperor Penguins/ Aptenodytesforsteri/  ranging from 444 – 483 m/ stay under water 18 minutes.

Image result for emperor penguins Image result for emperor penguins Image result for emperor penguins

402.The fastest swimming bird: the Gentoo Penguin/ Pygoscelis papua/  27 km per hour.

Image result for gentoo penguin Image result for gentoo penguin

403.The fastest running bird: the Ostrich/ Struthio camelus/  72 km per hour

Image result for Ostrich Image result for Ostrich

404.The only poisonous birds the three species: Pitohui dichrous / Papua new Guinea/ the Hooded Pitohui Pitohui          is the deadliest. The skin and feathers contain almost the same homobatrachotoxin as the Poison Arrow Frogs.

Image result for Papua new Guinea/ the Hooded Pitohui Pitohui Image result for Papua new Guinea/ the Hooded Pitohui Pitohui

405.In the 14th century the Black Death hurricanes killed: 75,000,000 people.

Image result for Black Death hurricanes Image result for Black Death hurricanes Image result for Black Death hurricanes

406.Dogs’ only have sweat glands: between their paw pads

Image result for Dogs’ only have sweat glands: between their paw pads  

407.These have better low-light vision than humans: Dogs and cats/  because of a special light-reflecting layer behind their retinas of eyes

Image result for Dogs and cats sights Image result for Dogs and cats sights Dogs - Good Friends Kittens Dogs Cats Animals Puppies Amazing Cute Dog Cat Dogs Photo Gallery

408.Its urine glows under a black-light: Cat’s

  Image result for Its urine glows under a black-light: Cat's

409.Most lipstick contains: fish scales

Image result for lipstick contains: fish scales Image result for lipstick contains: fish scales 

410.The original name for the butterfly: ‘flutterby’

 Image result for butterfly Image result for butterfly Image result for butterfly

(Follow just for more knowledge and most surprising things by rasp Sadhana)


W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (411 to 420)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (411 to 420)

ఈ దేహం నిండా సందేహాలే! ఎందుకు, ఏమిటి, ఎప్పుడు, ఎక్కడ, ఏది, దేనిని, ఎవరు, ఎవరిని, ఎప్పుడైతే, ఎవరైతే, ఎలా….?!?!?!…తెలుసుకుని బతకాలి, తెలియకుండా చావకూడదు; బోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how…? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

411.The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to: seven

Image result for dice cube Image result for dice cube 

412.An average human heart beats: 1,03,680 times a day

Image result for human heart beats  Image result for human heart beats Image result for human heart beats

413.Albert Einstein’s another name: Albert Brook

Image result for Albert Einstein Image result for Albert Einstein Image result for Albert Einstein Image result for Albert Einstein

414.He was the great but an epileptic: Alexander the great

Image result for Alexander the great an epileptic Image result for Alexander the great an epileptic  Image result for Alexander the great

415.Blonde beards grow faster than: darker beards.

Image result for Blonde beards grow faster than: darker beards. Image result for Blonde beards grow faster than: darker beards. Image result for binladen

416.It comes from sheep only not cats: Catgut

Image result for Catgut   Image result for catgut violin Image result for catgut violin

417.A camel’s spine is: straight despite the hump

Image result for camel’s spine Image result for camel’s spine Image result for camel’s spine

418.The only planet that not named after the western but Indian Gods: Earth/ Bhuudevi

Image result for earth Image result for earth Image result for earth Image result for bhudevi and sridevi

Image result for bhudevi and sridevi Image result for bhudevi and sridevi Image result for bhudevi and sridevi Image result for bhudevi and sridevi

419.George Washington grew  in his garden: a marijuana

Image result for marijuana  Image result for marijuana  Image result for marijuana Image result for marijuana

420.They do not continue to grow after death: Human hair and fingernails


  Image result for human hair styles Image result for human hair styles Image result for human hair styles Image result for human hair styles

(Follow just for more knowledge and most surprising things by rasp Sadhana)
